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View Preliminary Program

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(subject to change)

Sunday, April 13

AEI Academic Council Meeting
AEI Emerging Leaders Council Meeting
AEI International Student Design Competition Rehearsals
AEI International Student Design Competition

Monday, April 14

Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions 1
Morning Refreshment Break
Concurrent Sessions 2
Concurrent Sessions 3
Refreshment Break
Professional Project Awards Session
Welcome Reception
AEI Emerging Leaders Student Scavenger Hunt- Sponsored by Henderson
AEI Emerging Leaders' Night Out

Tuesday, April 15

Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions 4
Concurrent Sessions 5
Refreshment Break
Concurrent Sessions 6
Concurrent Sessions 7
Refreshment Break
Concurrent Sessions 8

Wednesday, April 16

Continental Breakfast
Concurrent Sessions 9
Awards Ceremony
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