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AEI Bridge the Gap Student Competition

Kansas City, Missouri

Sunday, April 13, 2025

Participating Bridge The Gap students will be organized into small groups with their professional mentors to address a building-design challenge. Teams can choose one of three categories of design: Building massing and planning; Building systems; and Detailed design of one space. Each student in the design team will get the opportunity to try out a technical role of their choosing for the day.  Stepping into the role of an architect, various design engineers or construction manager, they will collaborate with their student-team and their professional mentors in a multi-disciplinary design approach.   
* Note: Limited to 60 Students

Important Dates: 

  • Individual Registration Opens: February 7, 2025  
  • Individual Registration Closes: February 28, 2025  

AEI Bridge the Gap Committee:

  • Advisor, Molly Denton, Fishbeck, Inc. 
  • Chair, Aysegul Demir Dilsiz, Ph.D., LEED GA, University of Wyoming 
  • Member, Ryan Rulon, Burns & McDonnell 
  • Member, Josh Szmergalski, P.E., CSD Structural Engineers 
  • Member, Carli Smith, University of Cincinnati 
  • Member, Raegan Merrill, University of Wyoming 

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